Friday, December 4, 2009

My blog that I am creating is intended communicate my thoughts and reflections as a psychotherapist and to provide mental health information that you request. I will also provide good wellness tips for living a balanced, positive, healthy life! If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know. Overall, this blog is for you. We are in the holiday season now, which can be a very happy time for some but also a very sad or stressful time. With that in mind, I challenge you to reflect on giving and being compassionate.

Regarding giving, ask yourself "what am I giving, and when I give, am I expecting anything in return? What is the intention and motivation behind the giving and am I truly thankful?" I had a client say to me this week in session that even though she is frustrated she can't find a job, she is keeping everything in perspective because she has a home, plenty of food, and nice things. I thought that that was profound especially regarding her high skill level. Be a cheerful giver.

With regards to compassion, extend more patience for those who try your patience, perform a random act of kindness to someone, and most of all forgive yourself for your shortcomings. Compassion is contagious and healing.

We Americans are being consumed with commercialism and consumerism right now, and it has become apparent that we have lost perspective between needs, wants, and should haves. Since when did having 10 pairs of shoes become the norm when we walk past people on the street who are barefoot? Not to say that you should not enjoy your success but when is enough, enough?! Therefore, now that we are approaching Christmas and Hannukah, I challenge you to take a personal inventory of all of your things and your "emotional things" and deglut what you don't need or want! Keep the things that bring you meaning. I think of a handkerchief that belonged to one of my mother's childhood friends, Aunt Elsie. She passed a year ago suddenly. I carry it in my purse everywhere I go. I have many sweet memories of Aunt Elsie and love to smell the handkerchief for it smells of her. I will pass along books that I have finished and clothes that I no longer wear. I am thankful for my beautiful living space and the treasures I have collected over the years from around the world. I am thankful for my health and the knowledge I won't go hungry or unclothed. Mostly, I am thankful for the faces that are etched in my memory- my belated father, my mother, my nephew and nieces, my clients past and present, Baby Grace, my friends, and my family.
Those etchings are infinite and indespensible.

Many Blessings to you,
Kathryn James, LMFT


  1. Thank you for your perspectives, Kathryn. Does "mental health" include dealing with issues of choice in human-corporate relationships? Does your concept of "choice" include human rights? Is your "profession" one which deals with politics & "religion"? How do you "counsel" those of us who differ in approach to interpreting "criminal" acts by crooks trying to convince us that we "owe" them our allegiance, since they've seized control of the reins of OUR government & want to make slaves of us? Do you "go along to 'get along' with the "income tax." How do you counsel those of us who don't? Peace & love, Houston

  2. Thank you, Houston for your great questions. As a therapist, I ethically cannot bring any of my values and political or religious beliefs into the therapy rooms. I meet the clients where they are with regards to politics and religion by having unconditional positive regard and respect for them even though I might personally disagree them. I remember that their therapy is not about me. As a therapist, I keep my counter transference in tact. If they are doing harm to themselves, and their actions are "not working for them in their best interest" that is when I intervene as a counselor and that is where the work is. There is the obvious moral compass to guide from such as murder and violence towards children etc.. I hope I have answered your questions, and thank you so much for reading and contributing! Blessings, Kathryn

  3. Hi Katherine,
    Read your Blog and I am impressed. You have great Karma to say the least. Isn't it a tragedy what has happened in Haiti? I can't imagine how anyone can cope in devastation. Annette and myself are going to send financial donations as well clothing and food..
    Michael Lewis

  4. Dear Michael,
    Thank you for reading my blog! I am sure the people of Haiti will appreciate your donations!
    Be well.
